Monday Apr 29, 2024

Sasha Lanes

SASHA LANES A story about a young lady who tries to escape her past and moves from her Detroit. Michigan to Los Angeles, California. Sasha embarks on a journey across country that turns into a unfavorable adventure. Sasha meets DESHAWN on social media and he convinces her to stop in Las Vegas on her way to California. She finds herself in a brawl with DESHAWN’S wife who makes an unexpected visit to home. Now heart broken and confused she heads to Los Angeles to her new job going door to door selling magazines, this is where she meets RICHARD who is the manager of the magazine company. She also meets MS. ASHANTI who tries to give her spiritual advise on life and warned her that RICHARD is a slimeball. RICHARD tries to rape Sasha and Ashanti attacks him. Sasha is forced to call her estranges sister SAMANTHA and father KEVIN (Tico Wells) for help. Unfortunately for Sasha, she is received with negative response and almost finds herself homeless as her California adventure unravels she meets QUINCY, a struggling screenwriter. He lives in a two bedroom apartment with his high maintenance girlfriend CARMEN. Sasha, rents a room and finds herself i

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